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As a public company, it is of critical importance that the Company’s reports to the public and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission be accurate and timely. Depending on their position within the Company, Officers and key Associates may be called upon to provide information to assure that the Company’s public reports are complete, fair and understandable. The company expects all of its Associates to take this responsibility very seriously and to provide prompt and accurate answers to inquires related to the Company’s public disclosure requirements.
Officers and key Associates bear a special responsibility for promoting integrity throughout the organization, with responsibilities to stakeholders role both to adhere to these principles themselves and also to ensure that a culture exists throughout the Company as a whole that ensure the fair and timely reporting of the Company’s financial results and condition.
Because of this special role, Officers and Key Associates are bound by the following
code of Ethics, and by accepting this Code of Ethics, each agrees that he or she will:
All Kewaunee Associates have clear duty in conducting Company business to place
the interest of the Company ahead of their personal interests. For this reason, it has
been, and continues to be, the established policy of the Company that all Officers and
Associates must avoid any situation which involves a potential conflict between their
personal interests and the interests of the Company. Only by adhering to this policy
can the integrity of the Company’s business relationship be preserved and other
interests of the Company and its stockholders be protected. Companies failing to
enforce such a policy have experienced disruptive litigation and monetary losses. The
most important loss, however, is the irreparable damage to their standing in the
I. Personnel Subject to this Policy
All Officers and Key Associates of the Company
II Illustrations of Potential Conflicts of Interest
The basic in all conflicting situations is the division of loyalty between the
Company’s best interests and the personal interests of the individual. While it is
impossible to list every circumstance giving rise to a possible conflict of interest,
the following illustrations will serve as a guide to the types of activity involving
potential conflicts.
A) Interest in other Concern.:- Ownership by an Associate or any member of his or
her immediate family of a substantial financial interest (such as 5% or more of the
equity) in, or rendering of services in any capacity such as a consultant or director
to any concern which is in direct competition with the Company, or which does
business with the Company or supplier or any other manner *
B) Interest in Transaction:- Representation of the Company by an Associate in any
transaction which such Associate or any relative of the Associate or his or her
spouse has in interest.
C) Representation by Relative:- Representation of the Company by an Associate in any
transaction for which the other concern is represented by a relative of the Associate
or his her spouse.
D) Gift and Gratuities:- Acceptance by an Associate or any member of his or her
immediate family from any competing concern, or any other concern with which the
Company does business or is seeking to do business, of gifts or merchandise of more
nominal value, cash or gift certificates in any amount whatever, free or discounted
trips or lodging (expect on Company business), loans (except from established
banking or financial institutions), excessive entertainment or other gifts of goods or
services of more than nominal value are not permitted. The acceptance of gifts of
nominal value are permitted, provided they are given as a gesture of professional
friendship and do not involve a Company commitment to transact business. In most
cases, such a gift should be shared within the Associate’s department or working
group. As occasional meal or entertainment in the normal course of business relations
paid for by a supplier or potential supplier is permitted provided that a representative
of the supplier is in attendance and such hospitality is not excessive or unusual in
E) Solicitation of Gifts:- it is never acceptable to conflict gifts gratuities, or business
courtesies for the benefit of a Kewaunee Associate or a family member or friend of an
Associate from any concern in which the Company does business or is seeking to do
G) Rendition of Services to other Concern: Rendition of Managerial, consultant or any
other substantial to any concern (including services as a director).
H) Full time Services:- Engaging in outside business or employment incompatible with
the Company’s right to full time and efficient service of its Associates.
I) Use of Position to influence Others:- Use of one’s position with the Company to
influence any other concern in its dealings with other parties for the personal profit or
advantage of any person.
J) Competition with the Company:- Competing with the Company, directly or indirectly,
in the acquisition or directly, in the acquisition or disposition of property, rights or
interest of any kind, including those in which it is known that the Company might be
interested in the future.
III. Approval by the Company.
No interest in another concern or participation in any transaction shall be deemed to
involve a conflict of interest if the interest or participation has been disclosed fully in
writing to, and had been approved in writing by the Director of the Company. This
approval shall be subjected to periodic review and audit any transaction or relationship as
deemed appropriate by the Director.
IV) Compliance
a) For the protection of both the Company and its Associates and to avoid criticism of
either, annually each Officer and other Associates subject to this policy will be
asked to sign the Acknowledgement attached to this policy. Each executed
Acknowledgement will be retained permanently in the Associate’s personnel
record. This policy imposes a continuing on those to whom at applies.
b) New Associates who are determined to be subject to this policy will be required to
sign the Acknowledgement on their hire date and annually thereafter.
c) An Officer or Associate should promptly inform the appropriate executive of any
change of circumstance relating to this policy. Written reaffirmation of compliance
will be required annually, or at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the
d) Failure to disclose, or misrepresentation of a potential conflict of interest failure to
comply with this policy will constitute grounds for termination of employment.
Policy on Sensitive Payments.
This policy reaffirms a basic policy of this Company that all of its business affairs be
conducted in keeping with the highest ethical and moral standards. As such, all Officers
and key Associates of the Company are bound by the following rules:
Standard of Conduct and Corrective Action.
Groups of people who are working together for any purpose require certain guideline
pertaining o their conduct and relationships. Accordingly, all Kewaunee Associates
must be aware of their responsibilities to the Company and co- workers.
Personnel Subject to this Policy
Kewaunee’s policy on “Standards of Conduct and Corrective Action” applies to all
Officers and Associates of the Company. In additions, at least annually, all officers
and Key Associates will be asked to sign and return to the Human Resources
Department an Acknowledgment that they have received this policy and they have
not, and will not, act in violation of this policy while employed by the Company.
Attached please find excerpts from Kewaunee’s Policy on “Standards of Conduct and
Corrective Action” the complete policy is included in the Kewaunee Associates
Group of people whoa are working together for any purpose require certain guideline
pertaining to their conduct and relationships. Accordingly, our Associates must be aware
of their responsibility to the Company and to co-worker.
Associates who fail to meet performance and /or behavioral standards, are determined by
management, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Violation of our standards will result in one of the following forms of corrective action:
oral warning written warning, or discharge. In arriving for proper action, the following
will be considered.
Personal and Company Property
The company reserves the right to search Associate personal property and effects (such as
lunch boxes, purses, toolboxes) brought on to Company premises. If a supervisor,
manager, or security guard had a reasonable suspicion that an Associate is in
unauthorized possession of Company property, customer property, or another Associates
property, a supervisor manager, or security guard may subject the Associates to a search
of his or her clothing and /or possessions. An Associate’s to submit to a search will not be
Desks, storage areas, work areas, lockers, file cabinets, credenzas, systems office
telephones, modems, facsimile machine, duplicating machine and Company vehicles are
Company property and must be maintained according to this policy. All such areas and
items must be kept clean and are to be used only for work purposes, except as provided in
this policy. The Company reserves the right, at all times, and without prior notice, to
inspect and search any and all Company property for the purpose of determining whether
this policy or any other Company policy has been violated, or whether such inspection
and investigation is necessary for purposes of promoting safety in the workplace or
compliance with state and federal laws. Such inspections may be conducted during or
after business hours and in the presences or absences of the Associate.
The Company’s computer systems and other technical resources, including any voice
mail or E- mail systems, are provided for use in the pursuit of the Company’s business
and to be reviewed, monitored and used only in that pursuit except as provided in this
policy. As a result, computer data, voice mail and E- mail are ready available to
numerous persons. If, during the course of your employment, you perform or transmit
work on the Company’s computer systems or other technical resources, your work may
be subject to the investigation, search and review of others in accordance with this policy.
In addition, any electronically stored communications that you either send to or receive
from others may be retried and reviewed where such investigation serves the legitimate
business interests and obligations of the Company.
Associates are otherwise permitted to use the Company’s equipment for occasional, non
Company purpose with permission from their direct supervisors. Nevertheless, the
Associate has no right of privacy as to any information or file maintained in or on the
company’s property or transmitted or stored through the Company’s computer systems,
voice mail, E-mail or other technical resources for purposes of inspiring, investigating or
searching Associate’s computerized files or transmissions, voice mail, or E-mail, the
Company may override any applicable passwords or codes in accordance with the best
interests of the Company, its Associates, or its clients, customers or visitors. All bills and
other documentation related to the use of the Company equipment or property are the
Company and may be reviewed and used for purpose that the Company considers
Associates may access only files or programs, whether computerized or not, that they
have permission to enter. Unauthorized review, duplication, dissemination, removal,
damage or alteration of files, passwords, computer systems or programs, or other
property of the company, or improper use of information obtained by unauthorized
means, may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Message stored and / or transmitted by mail, E-,mail, or telephone systems may not
contain content that may reasonably be considered offensive or disruptive to any
Associate. Offensive content would include, but would not be limited to, sexual
comments or images, racial slurs, gender – specific comments or any comments or
images that would offend someone on the basis of his or her age, sexual orientation,
religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability.
Conflict of Interests
We expect our Associates to conduct business according to the highest ethical standards
of conduct. Associates are expected to devote their best efforts to the interests of the
Company and the conduct of its affairs.
Execute common sense when dealing with outside parties, whether it be as part your job
here at Kewaunee or during personal time. Do not use confidential information for
personal gain.
While the Company does not seek to interfere with the off duty and personal conduct of
its Associates, certain types of off- duty conduct may interfere with the Company’s
legitimate business interests. For this reason, Associates should be aware of the following
Associates are expected to conduct their personal affairs in a manner that does not
adversely affect the Company’s or their own integrity, reputation or credibility. Illegal off
duty conduct on the part of an Associate, which adversely affects the Company’s
legitimate business interests or the Associates ability to perform his or her job, will not be
While employed by Kewaunee Labway or Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, Associates
are expected to devote their energies to their jobs with the Company. Certain types of
outside employment are strictly prohibited:-
Unlawful Harassment
Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, as your employer, must take all reasonable steps to
prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring. In addition to prohibiting other
forms of unlawful description, the Company maintain a strict policy prohibiting sexual
harassment and harassment because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion ,
creed, physical or mental disability, age or any other basis protected by federal, state or
local law. All such harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated. The Company is
committed to taking all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination and harassment from
1. Sexual Harassment Defined
Federal law defines sexual harassment as unwanted sexual advances, requests for
Sexual favors, or visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:-
a) submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment; or
b) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as basis for employment
decisions affecting the individual;
c) such conduct has the purpose or effect o unreasonably interfering with an
Associate’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
working environment.
The following is a partial list of conduct that may constitute unlawful sexual harassment: